Reese Witherspoon, you play Ashton’s best friend in this, but I feel like everyone wants to be your best friend. That’s true, though. You just seem like you go, so I become everybody’s best friend. Reese Witherspoon love people. I love being out. I love seeing people. I’m very social. You always seem so supportive also, just like a good time, you know, I like having fun. I drink tequila, I dance, party.
If I should be best friends, I love it. Reese Witherspoon mean, you know, it’s a party. Like, you gotta have some fun up. Speaking of fun, you had a little surprise on Jimmy Kimmel tonight with the look back of your career, and it was a clip.
We dug up an interview that you did when you were, I think, 14 years old. But you know what I think would be really fascinating 30 years from now? Going to the movie, like the video store and running the man in the Moon laser disk and watching it with my kids and having my kids understand it. What was it like to see that video? It was so sweet. Like a blast from the past.
Reese Witherspoon feel very tender about little her. She had no idea what was ahead of her, and it was a lot of bumps in the road, but she got through it. I mean, how surreal is it to be in that exact space now where your kids can watch your movies? It’s amazing.

My children are so incredibly supportive. I was just talking to my son and my daughter on the way here, and they’re just like, mom, you’re so great. You’re going to be great tonight. And it’s great to have adult children. And also, I have a wonderful little ten year old, too. This is something. Very lucky. Very lucky to have nice kids. We’re so lucky that we’re going to get an election sequel. I mean, does this mean that we get to see Tracy Flick all grown and out in the real world? I hope so, but that’d be fun. Yeah.
I think I want to check in with her and see where she’s been the last 20 years. There’s going to be another sort of election type thing inside that movie. I mean, you would know, right? I might know. I might know too much. And real quick, it’s the Jennifer Coolidge renaissance right now. You must be so excited to be on myself about Jennifer Coolidge.
She deserves every one of those flowers she is receiving right now. And she’s just one of those people who is so naturally gifted and funny and that’s you can just tell people love her because she gets up there and everybody’s like, Reese Witherspoon love her. But she’s just done a lot of good work in our business for so long that it’s really nice to see her getting this incredible moment. How will we see her crown? Let’s get her a crown. She deserves one.
Reese Witherspoon going to get her a crown. Jennifer Coolidge’s royalty. Are we going to see that queen in Legally Blonde Three? And how so? There is no Legally Blonde three with that jennifer coolid, right? Yeah. I love it.
Reese Witherspoon
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