I just think Ross McHarg didn’t like when I keep bringing it up, but obviously that’s something that really bugs me when he’s obviously flirting with Alyssa. I’m not that type of person. I would never tolerate that in my normal life. So to me, it’s like I feel like with Ross McHarg, you have to keep kind of hitting it over the head until he either listens or I’m not a type person. That’s not going to say it.
I think alcohol definitely played a part of me kind of jumping him down on his throat that last episode. I wasn’t afraid to bring it up again, but it’s just something that I have to realize I’m here to enjoy this experience. Obviously, I don’t like it when Ross McHarg does that in front of me, but I’m either going to enjoy this experience or end things going to be super awkward for the rest of the crew members.
But, yeah, I mean, that’s just something I wouldn’t put up with in my daily life. I think, obviously, how you’ve seen everything, I think it’s just going to be a bumpy road, but who knows? I guess everyone’s just going to have to wait and watch. We both live on opposite sides of the world. Ross McHarg went his way after the show.

I went mine. So at the end of the day, we decided that it was what it was on the boat was what it was, and after the boat, we both went our separate ways. We definitely like interacting with certain things after the show, but nothing intimate. I am single. I’m just enjoying life right now, and it is what it is. The boating world is definitely an interesting industry.
I think there was a little intention of getting under my skin because it worked, but at the end of the day, I realized Ross McHarg and I were never going to have anything after the show. It was a fun experience, and so I think a little bit that was intentional, but I don’t think it all was. Yeah. Camille lives in Fort Lauderdale. I see her all the time from my crew.
I would say I talked to Ben here and there and Haley, but Camille I’m probably still the closest with because she lives right here in Fort Lauderdale. Again, with me being deck, I feel like it’s not my place to comment because I’m not there. Interior is awesome. Sandy is awesome. Yeah. I can’t really comment because I’m not actively there.
I think I’m going to stay really neutral and just kind of stay out of that one completely. I absolutely love Captain Sandy’s leadership, how she’s willing to truly go and be every position where we needed her. I think that’s super inspiring that she’s out there washing dishes, helping me pull the jet ski.
So overall, I really look up to her and, yeah, I’ve seen her at several events. I’ve gone to support her at different events, and so it’s super cool to see her around and look up to her, it Was super cool. It’s always awesome to have your first Captain come back, and he was in such better spirits and I Was super happy for him. I would love to return for another season.
I had such A great experience. I had fun with it. Being with Captain Lee or any of the other Captains I think would be absolutely incredible. I think you’re going to see some with one of the new Girls coming in that she might know somebody else on The Crew before she comes in. I thought she was an incredible person and really a great asset to the interior team.
Ross McHarg
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